The Dua For Getting Married Soon Diaries

The Dua For Getting Married Soon Diaries

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wallad'eena yaqooloona rabbanaa hab lanaa min azwaajinaa wa d'urriyaatinaa qurraata a'yuniw waj-a;lnaa lil muttaqeena imaamaa

Within the working day they shall see the things they are promised they shall be like they had not tarried preserve an hour or so of your day. A sufficient exposition! Shall then any be wrecked help save the transgressing men and women?[29]

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ بِسْمِ اللهِ، وَ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللهِ التَّامَّاتِ الْمُبَارَكَاتِ، الَّتِىْ نَامَ بِهَا اَهْلُ الْكَهْفِ وَ الرَّقِيْمِ اَللهُ يَتَوَفَّى اْلاَنفُسَ حِيْنَ مَوْتِهَا وَ الَّتِيْ لَمْ تَمُتْ فِيْ مَنَامِهَا فَيُمْسِكُ الَّتِيْ قَضٰى عَلَيْهَا الْمَوْتَ وَ يُرْسِلُ اْلاُخْرٰى اِلٰی اَجَلٍ مُسَمّٰی وَ تَحْسَبُهُمْ اَيْقَاظًا وَ هُمْ رُقُوْدٌ اَفَمِنْ هٰذَا الْحَدِيْثِ تَعْجَبُوْنَ وَ تَضْحَكُوْنَ وَ لَا تَبْكُوْنَ وَ اَنتُمْ سَامِدُوْنَ.

O Lord, do great to me regarding my offspring. Verily I turn repentant for you, andverily I am a type of who submit.

بِسْمِ اللهِ وَبِاللهِ اَلٌلهُمٌَ هَاذِهِ عَقِيْقَةُ عَنْ...بْنِ... لَحْمُهَا بِلَحْمِهِ وَدَمُهَا بِدَمِهِ بِعَظْمُهَا بِعَظْمٍهِ وَ شَعْرُهاَ بِشَعْرِهِ بِجَلْدُهَا بِجِلْدِهِ اَللهُمٌَ اَجْعَلهَا وَقَاءً لِاَلِ مُحَمٌَدٍ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ السٌَلامُ

If your spouse is displeased Along with the spouse, she should really recite the next verse one hundred sixty five of al Baqarah on some sweat eatables and provides it to him to consume. Inshaallah soon there will be good consequence.

“They need to place out the light of Allah with their mouths”… until “in addition to a victory close to.”[five]

Rabbe laa tazarnee fardanW wa anta khayrul waareseena waj-a’l lee min ladunka waliyyan yaresonee payment hayaatee wa yastaghfero lee ba’da mawtee waj-a’lho khalqan sawiyyan wa laa taj-a’l lish SHAYTAANe FEEHE sharakan wa laa nas’eebaa. Allaahumma innee astaghferoka wa atoobo ELAYKA innaka antal ghafoorur RAHEEM.

DU-A'A 222 If there is absolutely no each Dua For Marriage of a child for an exceptionally extended period of time recite the following portion of verse 38 of Ali Imran as repeatedly as possible.

He who manufactured the earth for yourself for a cradle, and laid out paths on it for you so that you could possibly be rightly guided.

O Allah, develop enjoy in between so and so son of so and so and so and so daughter of so and so, in the same way as You made enjoy amongst Musa and Harun and while you designed really like amongst Jibraeel and Mikaeel (a.s.) and in between Khadijatul Kubra and Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, may perhaps Allah bless him and his progeny and peace be on them and concerning Fatima az-Zahra and Ali al-Murtada (peace be on The 2 of these).

فَاَجَاۗءَہَا الْمَخَاضُ اِلٰى جِذْعِ النَّخْلَۃِ۝۰ۚ قَالَتْ يٰلَيْتَنِيْ مِتُّ قَبْلَ ھٰذَا وَكُنْتُ نَسْـيًا مَّنْسِـيًّا۝۲۳ فَنَادٰىہَا مِنْ تَحْتِہَآ اَلَّا تَحْزَنِيْ قَدْ جَعَلَ رَبُّكِ تَحْتَكِ سَرِيًّا۝۲۴ وَہُزِّيْٓ اِلَيْكِ بِجِذْعِ النَّخْلَۃِ تُسٰقِطْ عَلَيْكِ رُطَبًا جَنِيًّا۝۲۵ۡ

As outlined by Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq 9as)recite either of the next du'a'a at the time of slaughtering the animal for aqiqah (The ceremony of shaving the hair of an infant within the sixth day immediately after beginning)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الْعِزُّ وَ الْكِبْرِيَاءُ وَ النُّوْرُ وَ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِهٖ اَجْمَعِيْنَ.

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